woensdag 26 december 2018

Indian style Lamb Chops

This is a barbecue or grill dish with lamb chops. Great tastes with sweet and sour flavour and easy to make.

What you need:

  • 12 lamb chops
  • 250 ml yogurt
  • 3 cm fresh turmeric (grounded in a morter)
  • 4 cm ginger (grounded in morter or very finely chopped)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp sweet pepper
  • 1 squeezed lemon (for the juice)
  • handful corianderleaves (chopped)
  • salt and grounded black pepper

How to prepare it:

  1. Mix all the ingredients, except the lamb chops.
  2. Put the lamb chops in a plastic bag and add the mixture.
  3. Mix well and leave the bag (overnight) in the refigerator.
  4. Heat the barbecue until very, very hot.
  5. Put on the pieces of lamb. They must be browned in short period of time.
  6. Turn them and they are ready while browned on both sides, but the meat is still soft and pink inside.
  7. Enjoy!

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